My wedding Day would not have been all it was without my Bridesmaids. I am endebted to Jo especially for paying for the special night she and Rachael gave me on the eve of our wedding by booking us into the Woolstore Appartments for a night of girly fun. Thanks Girls.....YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!
So here are some pics of my Bridesmaids and one of Rachael and Jo when they last visited us in Sydney. Missing them all so much!
Rachael and Jo at Fox Studios earlier this year! We had a great time while they were here!Jo and Rachael at the wedding reception. There were very few photos of Rachael at the wedding because she was our photographer! Thanks Rach!!
Leanne - Bridesmaiding on the day!
Jo Also Bridesmaiding on the Day!

At the Hen's Night dinner at the Black Buffalo Hotel.