Sunday, March 30, 2008
A quick Post
What I do is put 1/4 cup rolled oats a dash of cinnamon some apple juice and some yoghurt (I use no fat vanilla) into a bowl and mix cover and put in the fridge at night. The next morning I get it out and mix it then add some flaked almonds and some pumpkin seeds, (if I had linseeds it would be LSA I was adding) plus whatever fruit I want or that is handy and devour it. It's so Yummy!!!
Okay so My cousin Aimee is winging her way home to England. She was an absolute pleasure to have and basically did her own thing so there was nothing for me to have to do to entertain her so she was really the perfect guest LOL. She's probably in Singapore by now hopefully it won't be too cold when she arrives in London.
The local Mitre 10 Hardware store "Swaddlings Mitre 10" Burnt to the ground today and caused havoc in Botany Road and sent smoke swirling over the city of Sydney today. Such a Waste and the family that owned it lost their last Hardware store to fire too, such a shame.
Okay well that's it for now, I have to dash so I can do my injection for the night. I don't have my Ambo here to do it for me so it will take a little longer cause I have to get the guts up to stab it into my belly LOL. Weight watchers tomorrow so I think I'll get an early night too so that I don't eat anything else LOL.. I have to do some serious bike rides next to catch up on all the lost condition from not riding over the past week or so!!
Okay Toodles!!
Tracy XX :)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Okay I'm back
Right here are the layouts, this first one is with Shannon Fahrnbach's Patchwork Spring with a background from How does your garden grow.
The next one is with Terrell Sanzone's Freebie frame "Is it Spring!!" with her Time Passages kit. and the pic is of Aimee hugging a tree on Fraser Island while touring Australia!!
And this one is with Terrell Sanzone's Spring Sampler kit, the pic is of Aimee's friends from the Contiki tour at the Devil's Marbles, cool place eh!!
LOL Aimee has had a great trip with great weather all the way and she even did Skydiving but there is only a DVD of that no photos!! Alright so that's it for now and I've still not thought of anything to do for dinner, plus I don't know if Aimee will be home or not yet so if she is a lot of it will have to be vegetarian friendly LOL!!
Catch ya later!!
Regarding Freebies!!
Onto a happier topic, Aimee is enjoying her last week here in Australia with us and we've been to the Blue Mountains and to Wollongong, although Wollongong was a bit of a nothing trip and my car squeaked the whole way, it was driving us crazy LOL. I think I really need to put it in for a wheel balance LOL. But I guess my poor little car doesn't get a lot of long trips and 2 long trips in the space of 3 days was maybe a bit much for it LOL. I got a lot of Aimee's photos of her trip to Kakadu and Ayers Rock (Uluru) so you'll see some of them shortly LOL. She flies home via Singapore tomorrow so we went out to dinner last night with Michael as he will be working when she goes.
Have you visited TerrellS blog, she has an awesome quickpage freebie up that she has created and it's just so lovely. And it would suit any season really!! Even if it is entitled Is it Spring!! LOL.
Okay well I'm off to do some layouts, Aimee is off to say cheerio to her friends today and so she'll be out until around 11 tonight so I'll get the housework done and maybe cut the lawn later too.
No rest for the Wicked LOL
Have a great Day
Thursday, March 27, 2008
TerrellS New Kit
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Got a couple more done
Sunday, March 23, 2008
CT Layouts!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Final Download for Pastel Easter
Tracy :)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I started an IVF cycle yesterday and start my Lucrin on Sunday, so I go back for bloods and a scan on 4th April and I am thinking that will take us to around 24th April for our Egg Collection, which also, by the way, is our 4th Wedding anniversary!! So I am hoping that the weight loss will have helped this cycle. I have lost 15kg since we did the last cycle of IVF so surely it will improve our chances!!
Okay enough about me, off to check out some of the sites and do some downloading myself LOL!!
Catch you tomorrow for the final freebie for this kit!!
Hugs and Happy Good Friday!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Day 4 of Pastel Easter Freebie
Papers 2 Ambowife Pastel Easter Freebie
Have a wonderful Day everybody!!
Tracy :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Another Layout and Freebie!!
Okay so here's the layout... I used Gloria Val Verde's Gem Hearts 1 papers for the background and journalling block and the rest is stuff of mine!!
My weight has got down to 83.5kg so I am still losing, if a little slower!! I had a few mountain and valley weeks LOL. Okay just before I go here is the next link for the Pastel Easter Kit, this one is Papers 1 Just click the pick to go to your download and remember to leave me some love, and don't share and the password is still faith. phew did I miss anything LOL.
Well that's it for now, have a great day everyone and remember to come back for day 4 of the freebie Easter countdown LOL!!
Tracy xx
Monday, March 17, 2008
Here it is
Okay so here are a few layouts I did for St Patrick's Day with TerrellS's Blog Freebie. Isn't this freebie of TerrellS' cool!! LOL
Okay well that's it from me today, off to get Michael's dinner ready, he's off to do an overtime shift tonight, so he's dining earlier than me LOL. And he's having Pie and Chips, unlike me LOL!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hippity Hoppity, Easter's On It's Way!!
But please remember to send people here to get the freebie for themselves, don't give them your files, cause that would be illegal, and if you remember to, leave me a little love, I love reading the comments!! Oh and the password, if you are asked for it is faith.
Okay Enjoy your freebie and have a great Day!!
Tracy XX
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Here's My Apology Freebie
Okay just click the link to get your download started, and have a great day, I'll be back later with another normal post LOL.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Big Whoops!! Sorry
Okay thanks for your patience everyone!! sigh
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Freebie Alert Woop Woop!!!
There are some awesome kits you can download free and you might even like to join in the fun and create a layout with the free kits Boo has for the challenge!! check out the Gallery for the great layouts and kits created for this challenge, it's so much fun!!!
So Just one request, please don't share these links, if you know someone who would like this kit please direct them to my blog or to the SAS Colour Challenge. Oh and a little love would make my day too!!! Enjoy your download!!! :)
If the links ask for a password, it is sasattack
Alrighty have a fab day everybody!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Testing out Windows Live Writer
Okay so this is a nifty little tool and I thought I'd give it a whirl on the blog and if it turns out okay I might use it to post from now on. It allows you to grab stuff from the web and post it on your blog but it is also a lot faster at uploading pics etc so here goes. LOL.
Okay so what's up with us this week. Well, Michael is off to school for a couple of days so we had to get the dress uniform out, and wash the shirt back to white LOL. Also I went to my weight watchers meeting and what do you know I put on 100grams so I am not really phased by it. I did a big ride yesterday and we did a big one today too so hopefully I will shock my system into losing it this next week. I have had some naughty stuff and not done a lot of exercise this week or counted points really so I am not surprised at the gain.
My Layouts have been coming thick and heavy LOL.
This one I did for the Challenge over at mootwodesigns, the template is a creation from Gloria Val Verde and she is doing one for each month. This one I did with pics of me and Michael being February and the month of Valentine's Day. The only thing I had to do was add the colours and effects, easy.
I love this pic of Lucy Lu, a friend's dog, she's such a cutie pie.This layout is created with my own designs. And I did it for a challenge at Treasures to where you had to use pink or blue and brown, the brown being required.
Leanne, Lucy Lu's owner, absolutely adores her and you can see why, she's so camera friendly in this pic, she literally poses for the camera, I swear, she does, LOL!!
Okay so I have been using some of my stuff I designed before I took off for the past month LOL!!
And this one I did with my Dear Diary Kit. We had to do a layout expressing what we love about ourselves. Mine was my determination to lose the weight I have so far. It enthuses me to continue and stay strong when the chocolate monster rears it's ugly but yummy head LOL. And with Easter around the corner I will need all the help I can get LOL.
Anyway, that's about it for now from us in Sydney. Have a great week and hopefully I'll have something a little more interesting in my next post.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Scrapping Maniac
Yup that's me the last few days LOL. I have been playing catchup, trying to get a lot of layouts done with all of TerrellS's new kits and all the new photos I have since I went away. Okay so here we go!! The layouts down the left side column are all created using TerrellS's Celebrate a Boy's Spring. The first one is of my MIL when she was up visiting us, well she arrived before I left Hobart and then the day I arrived she went to her SIL's place and then returned to us for 3 days before heading off to see her daughter and her family in Brisbane. We had a lovely couple of days together. The next one down that Left side is of Me and Mum at various stops along the way on our journey to Brisbane!! All up the east coast of Australia. And that bottom one is of us with my cousin Aimee who is visiting Australia and so for her first 3 days she was here with us truing to catch up on sleep and get into the time frame before going to Darwin to start her tour of the outback and Ayers Rock. We're looking forward to seeing her in April before she flies back to the UK!!