Sunday, October 26, 2008

Visit Just a Buck Beach

in the store at TTS we are having a dollar sale, that's right selected items will be on sale for just one dollar from 27th October thru 31st October. Here is an add with what I am offering for one buck in the sale. Just click on the image to be taken to the Just a Buck Beach page at TTS Digistore.

Enjoy it while it lasts :)


CT Call Is CLOSED Thanks All

Thank you to all who applied and Please no more applications LOL. It doesn't rain but it pours. I thought I wasn't going to get anyone applying for about a week and then I got floods of applications, so if I didn't get back to you please understand that I may have missed one or two of the applications. I don't think I did but you never know.

Our Fifth and Final Member is Gail Sullivan. I don't have a picture of Gail yet, so she is our mystery Member till I do get one LOL. Gail is on several CT's and is a CT for the store at Digital Candy. She also hails from New York!!

Welcome to our happy (so far LOL) Team. Can't wait to see your layouts!

I'll be back later today with news about a sale at Treasures to Scrap. Till then have a wonderful day, whatever day it is where you live.
ps off to see if I can find a Gail photo LOL, won't be happy till I do hee hee!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcome the Ambowife Designs CT Members

I want to welcome my first Creative Team onboard. I hope being part of the team will be a lot of fun for us all. If you click on the name of each CT member you will be taken to their blog.
Doreen hales from Tennessee and is a Kitty Cat collector, LOL, visit her blog to meet her family and read about her life in and out of digiscrapping.
As you are all probably aware, I have known Doreen for as long as I have been doing digiscrapping. We are on Terrell Sanzone's Creative Team together and are the best of friends. Doreen was first to put her hand up for a CT position when I made the leap into design and selling at a Store. mwah!! Thanks Hun. And did I mention she is a fabulous Scrapper!

Elodie is an awesome scrapper too, and is from France. She is on a few CT's and so, I am so lucky to have had her join mine. Her Blog is in french but if you use a translator you will find it an interesting place to visit and view her awesome layouts!! Thanks for joining in the fun Elodie! Hugs Sweetie!!

Christelle is from South Africa and so a bit closer to me than the rest of my team geographically. But that's not all we have in common, she loves Brad Pitt, so do I just ask my Husband LOL. And her favourite book is River God by Wilbur Smith, I think I read that book a hundred times it is sooo good. Christelle is on a few CT's too so I am lucky again to have another awesome scrapper join my Team. Thanks Hun!!

And Dawne from near Boise Idaho is my 4th Awesome Creative Team Member. Dawne has branched out from being mainly at one site and is in the process of updating her new blog, so have a little patience while the dust flies on her new site. I am so pleased Dawne joined our happy crew and can't wait to see what fabulous layouts she does with my Modest kits. Welcome Dawne, can't wait to see your new blog!! Thanks Sweetie!!
Welcome Girls and Thank you So Much for creating my Creative Team, you all rawk!!!
Tracy :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October Blues Freebie

Okay so I've been feeling a bit ikky and so here is a freebie to make me feel better LOL. Maybe you too eh!!

Hope you get some use out of it!

No file sharing and that includes Yahoo groups. And a little love would be nice too.

Don't forget I am looking for new CT members so if you are interested in getting the kits that are scrolling across the top of my blog, why not join up, you only have to do one layout a week and post it in some galleries and you can get all my kits.

Okay here's the preview of the freebie





Friday, October 17, 2008

I Need Help LOL

Okay so it is that time when I really can't do it all on my own LOL. I am having a CT Call, so any of you who like my kits and would like to get them free in exchange for some layout posts read on....

But be quick as I am only in need of two for now, and this will be taken down as soon as I have chosen two kind Digi-Scrappers to help me out.

Onto other things, we had two embryos transfered to the safety of my womb today. One was at 7 cell stage and the other was 8 cells, which is about twice as advanced as any we have had before. So still crossing everything for another two weeks. Our other three embryos were not suitable to freeze according to the lab so we are mourning their loss a bit.

Okay, well off to do a little blog surfing before bed.



Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Big Thank You from the Cast

Yes some of the girls from the Designer Contest have got together to have a blog party and offer you all a wonderful swag of goodies to celebrate the end of the contest and Thank you for all your support and understanding throughout the month of September. No I am not asking you to vote for me for once LOL. I am giving you this set of Desktops to thank you for supporting me, You can add your own photos and use these on your computer desktop or even downsize them and use them as a frame with the corresponding kits.
Here's a preview and the link to the download.


Now head to the PARTY ROOM to go to the other Designers' blogs to grab their freebies. Remember to say thanks for the gifts and don't share the links. And Congratulate Monika (Starlight), mITSYBELLE, & Piggyscraps on becoming Sassy Lady Designers.


The party started at 12.01am Wednesday 15th October and you will find the Designers' Links uploaded to their blogs throughout the day. I am in AussieLand so it is 4pm here and easy for me to get mine up now LOL!!

And once again, Thank you so much for all the love and support. You all are so great!!



Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay Here's the freebie!!

I've had a hard time doing this one, I am suffering a lot with the IVF drugs this cycle and am blown up like a beached whale, seriously. I have put on 3 1/2 kg in fluid swelling, urgh!!

Anyway, here is the promised freebie.

Hope you like it and remember to leave me a little love and not to share the link, send interested scrappers and freebie hunters here.


Have a great day and I'll be back on 15th with my next freebie post after my operation.



Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look at this

I did this layout with Doreen's New Freebie Kit "Autumn" You may know Doreen better by her username Beachnut999. Well she is getting on the designing train with us and has done a kit. It has 14 papers and 13 elements in a gorgeous fall paletter. If you want her freebie just run over to her blog at http://beachnut . Doreen's blog is always a good read too so make a cuppa and settle in at her place for a while.

Okay I also did this layout with my Bearly Remember kit of Our Newlyweds Carina and James.

I also got the great news that my cousin Allison is finally engaged to her partner Jeremy whom she has been with for 8 years. Woo Hoo Congratulations you two!!
Oh I nearly forgot my new kit LOL. Here is the layout I did of Gabriella with my new kit Mandarin Dream available in my TTS Store soon.

Okay so off to do some more designing and decide on dinner. Hubby just text me that he is on his way home so better get a shuffle on!!

Awards Week for me

Wow I got a few awards this week and so here goes.

Thanks to Nani and Sooze and Karyn for this one

I have had it a few times so I won't be posting it along but thanks for the Kudos :)

And Aquarius for this one

This award is designed to promote international friendship so I will post this one onto my international friends below.

Terrell Sanzone

Beachnut999 (Doreen)





Now I promise to do a freebie today, I know I was going to be back the other day but life kinda got in the way LOL As it does!! So Michael got an overtime shift today and so I have the day to myself so I'll get designing and post something for you all today.

Have a great week everyone and be sure to come back on Wednesday 15th and see what I have up for you while I am out for the count with my egg retrieval.

Many Hugs


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Carina & James got Married Yesterday

It was a lovely casual ceremony with their friends and family with a cocktail party and dancing afterwards.

Here are some pics. Carina is a workmate of Michael's and a lovely person. James is a lucky man.

This is about the best shot we got of the Happy Couple, there was light behind them as they were wed against the backdrop of Sydney Harbour.Exchanging Rings, I got around the other side to get these shots.

Closer in.
The back of that gorgeous dress, certainly looks fabulous, you can tell she's a fitness fanatic LOL

And here is one Carly took of us. Quite a nice shot of me and Hubby together. And we are both smiling which is rare LOL.
Okay so we had a great time and so did all the guests, The celebrant was excellent and put everyone at ease, and made it all fun. He also MC'd some of the reception so it was all fun and unique.

Congratulations James and Carina and enjoy your Honeymoon.

Okay gotta go get some housework and washing done.
Have a great Sunday all

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Release Kit Mandarin Dream

Here's a preview of my latest kit MANDARIN DREAM. Let me know what you think LOL.

I just love these colours
Okay so onto some news. It's been a big week for me with all this uploading of kits to my new store at TTS and we are busy in our private lives too lately.
Yesterday was a sad day for me, it was the 5th Anniversary of my Dad's death and I spent all day thinking of all the things we would have done and talked about over those lost years. My Mum seemed okay but I don't think we will ever be the same again no matter how many years pass. She is up with family in Queensland so I guess maybe being away somewhere else with a new start may make some difference to this year for her. I have had a bad week with Chris having troubles and cutting his foot at work and just generally missing his family. I feel so helpless and useless to him being so far away but I had a good talk with him and he does sound better within himself so that did make me feel better about it all too.
My IVF is coming to a head too with me going into hospital on Wednesday 15th for my egg retrieval. We have had an extra drug (injection) to take this time too, a human growth hormone, so I am all over the place emotionally with all these drugs in my system. 4 needles every night and with Michael on nights I have had to do them myself yesterday and tonight. Even worse, we are going to a wedding tomorrow and will have to find somewhere to do it at that argh!! I don't want us to have to leave just because I need to shoot up LOL.
Okay well that's about it for now. I might have a freebie up for you later today. For now I have to go see what I'll cook Michael for his dinner before he heads off to work again.
Have a great day

Saturday, October 4, 2008

SAS Colour Challenge Freebie for October

Okay here it is, My October Colour Challenge Minikit.

I can't believe how much designing I have done in the last week, totally flat out.

Here's the preview and the links, enjoy but remember to leave me some love and don't share the links or the files. Send interested Scrappers here.



By the way my store is still empty so if you were hoping to go sneek a peek, sorry, but they are very busy over at Treasurestoscrap with getting everything set up in the new forum and gallery. If you were a member you will have to register again for the new site. But it is totally cool and like all the other sites with multiple uploading and instant email notifications and all those bells and whistles we get used to on VBulletin Boards. Go Check it all out at .



Thursday, October 2, 2008

Freebies are finished

Just to let everyone know that now that the contest is over the freebies are now taken down from 4shared and will be uploaded to my store at TTS. You can still download the Fallen Heroes kit though. I will keep that one free since it was for memorials to soldiers.
Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoyed the month of fun here on my blog. I certainly did. Sorry to those who may have missed out but there will still be freebies offered for future designs so keep an eye out everyone!!
Have a great weekend

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hmmm Well that's interesting!!

I have jumped up to 91 votes today, I am only 17 votes away from being a contender. That would put me in 3rd place. So if you haven't voted yet, you have just over 3 hours to get registered at and then head to the voting page at this link and vote for A Charmed Life by Ambowife Designs. Wouldn't it be awesome to be a Sassy Lady Designer at the site I have been a member at from it's birth!!

Well I have been working on some stuff for the TTS Treasure Chest for November, that's scary isn't it, November!! It's really exciting working at a site. All such a new experience for me.

My freebies from the contest will be taken down at 6pm central time today, so if you want any of the freebies from the last month, get your rocket boots on and do it now. I will leave the Fallen Heroes one up as I don't think I should take that one down due to the theme of the kit and how many people it may bring a little joy to. But the rest will be going into my store at TTS and anywhere else I ever end up with a store at.

So, remember to vote if you haven't already. Thank you to all of you who have votes so far throughout the whole contest and I hope you have enjoyed this exciting month as much as I have.
Many Hugs

Free QP No 2

Alright here is another Quickpage LOL. I actually didn't think I would be doing any more freebies for this kit but there you go, I did a layout and you score a QP out of it LOL.

Here's the QP and Link

DOWNLOAD HERE (sorry this file is no longer available, check out my TTS store for the full kit)

And here's the layout of my boy Chris when he was 16.

Enjoy and Vote for me if you feel like it!
Oh By the way, our new internet plan is sooo much faster than the one we had woo hoo!!