Enjoy it while it lasts :)
Enjoy it while it lasts :)
But be quick as I am only in need of two for now, and this will be taken down as soon as I have chosen two kind Digi-Scrappers to help me out.
Onto other things, we had two embryos transfered to the safety of my womb today. One was at 7 cell stage and the other was 8 cells, which is about twice as advanced as any we have had before. So still crossing everything for another two weeks. Our other three embryos were not suitable to freeze according to the lab so we are mourning their loss a bit.
Okay, well off to do a little blog surfing before bed.
Now head to the PARTY ROOM to go to the other Designers' blogs to grab their freebies. Remember to say thanks for the gifts and don't share the links. And Congratulate Monika (Starlight), mITSYBELLE, & Piggyscraps on becoming Sassy Lady Designers.
And once again, Thank you so much for all the love and support. You all are so great!!
And Aquarius for this one
This award is designed to promote international friendship so I will post this one onto my international friends below.
Now I promise to do a freebie today, I know I was going to be back the other day but life kinda got in the way LOL As it does!! So Michael got an overtime shift today and so I have the day to myself so I'll get designing and post something for you all today.
Have a great week everyone and be sure to come back on Wednesday 15th and see what I have up for you while I am out for the count with my egg retrieval.
Many Hugs