Well here is my latest design, Just Because, yes that's the name, I had a mental blank and so that's what I ended up with.
I went with a heritage feel for this one and used some cool new tools I came across or was given, for example the newspaper style on some of the elements, like that flower, were a style that Sherah rack'd me with, she's such a sweetie and an awesome designer to boot!! Also I purchased some really nice styles from veronica spriggs and they are really helping me with my creations. I just love her gold and the string style is just wonderful. Anyway I guess you are wondering what is in my new kit, well check it out at
SAS for all the info but it has 21 papers 9 are cardstock and the rest are highly textured luxuriously patterned papers. It has a full alpha and also 60 wonderful heritage elements. Not all of the elements are shown in the previews and I am thinking of doing an addon for this kit too I just loved the whole feel of it and the color palette I used was so warm and homey!!
So it's ON SALE for one week only at
SAS SAVE 40% between now and 16th August. Then it goes back to the full price of $5.50 USD.
Now here is some awesome news from
SAS, In september we are having out Birthday Bash, as we do every year and as you know that means The Next Sasy Designer Competition Challenge is on again. Now I did this last year and it was a heap of fun and there were freebies galore for everyone. So if you are interested in the challenge of the contest or even just the freebies, check out SAS today, and sign ups close on September 1 when the first challenge will be posted. I will be helping out in the forum with this contest so keep an eye out and say Hi if you see me :)
We will be having a treasure hunt and Bingo, the progressive scrap with Mitsybelle Plus freebies from the design team and CT and also heaps of challenges and games, it's going to be a blast all month in September at SAS.
Alright here is the new kit and the link to the store is in the banner across the top of this page if you want to see a detailed list of what is included.
Have a great day and remember to check back for some freebies made with this kit soon.
Click on image to see slide show of larger images

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