Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
BIRTHDAY BASH at the Studio
yes it's nearly that time again, the Studio Birthday Bash is just days away.
Our STUDIO ANNUAL DESIGNER COMPETITION sign up thread closes midnight on 31st August so if you want to get in on this fun competition rush over to the Studio now. We have amazing prizes this year, the winning 3 designers will score a wacom Bamboo Tablet and the top 10 will get an Atomic Cupcake certificate, wow!!
Even if you don't aspire to becoming a digital scrapbooking designer there are already 78 contestants signed up for this contest and so for our Studio Members that means 78 free minikits!!! How cool is that! come on over to the Studio and become a part of our community to grab all these goodies. The contest runs all of September and we have lots going on during our Annual Birthday Bash.
Also mitsybelle Designs and I are running the annual Studio CT LAYOUT COMPETITION, if you'd love to be part of the amazing creative team at the Studio jump to the sign up thread here, we'd love to see what you can create with our kits. And you'll get some lovely kits along the way :)
Okay so I know I have been real quiet when it comes to blogging. I am so busy with life and work and the Studio that I barely have the time anymore but as always I promise to try and be better at it.
I have collaborated with Linda Cumberland and Moon Designs on a fabulous masculine feel kit called Monsieur, you can check it out here. I loved working with these ladies, the designers at the studio are the absolute cream of the crop in my opinion, both as designers and as wonderful women.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mitchell and Gregg by bcalberti - studio CT member"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Sailing by AJR65 - Studio CT"]Verkeerspark Assen by Renee - Ambowife CT
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Berkhout by AJR65 - Studio CT"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Chat Layout by Camperchow - Ambowife CT"][/caption]
Have a great week :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
All Together Now... a New Kit
I have a new kit to show you all and also some exciting news at the Studio.
Firstly I'll tell you all about the great things happening over at the Studio. WE now have a commercial use store, everything in this store has been quality checked and approved, nothing gets into the CU Store at the Studio unless it has passed our Quality Testing.
Plus it's nearly that time again, September is always buzzing at the studio as it's our Birthday Bash time and you know what that means, the next Designer Competition is nearly here. Come on over to the forum and sign up for this year's designer competition it's soo much fun you will learn heaps and you will make tons of like minded friends who love to scrap and design. So come on give it a go, you'll never know if you don't try.
Check out the Sign Up thread here
Firstly here is my newest kit "All Together Now"
full of lots of pretty elements and soft textured papers this kit will fill any girly page with delight.
Check out the previews for closer inspection.
Included in this kit are 13 papers and 40 elements including:
bows, flowers, scattered glitter, glittery butterflies, buttons, a clock, beads, a tag created with Moon Design's fabulous tag shapes (thanks Tan) Sting, an envelope, pins, natural extracted elements, frames, stitching, lace, photo corners, all in pretty hues of pinks with a touch of brown.
all elements and papers created at 300 ppi for optimum print quality.
See our commercial use store for matching cu glitter styles, patterns and sheets in one set.
Check it out here in my Studio Store it's 30% off for one week only.
I plan on doing some clusters to put in the store too as well as of course a freebie or two, so check back soon for those.
Have a great week all
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Been a Bad Blogger
Firstly the biggest news is my Car died, yes broke down and had total cardiac arrest that not even my Paramedic hubby could revive it!! LOL. But yes, that meant a new set of wheels. Luckily Michael's Dad was here and being a former mechanic and salesman himself he got us a great deal on a second hand Tiida, it's lovely to look at and lovely to drive, perfect for me, small but not too small and well all it needs is Ambowife Numberplates LOL. I blurred out the plates for obvious reasons and I also blurred out the neighbours' house, I'm sure they don't want you looking in their windows hee hee. Okay so here she is... more news after the pics of our new little car...
So what else have we been up to, well Michael has applied to Tassie again but we're not holding our breath. Just waiting to see what happens so we can then get on with life not being in any kind of Limbo. Here's a pic of him relaxing in front of the TV with Shona, who is loving it obviously rofl, can't believe the positions this dog gets herself into and still seems quite comfortable.
As for other stuff, Over at the Studio we are talking a bit about Hybrid and mixing both Digital and Paper scrapping and off the page stuff. Well I didn't know a great deal about this side of Scrapbooking so I went googling and searching on Youtube, well didn't I fall into the quicksand as it were. There is a vertual mountain of videos showing you how to do this stuff. So I did some paper flowers just to see what all the fuss was about and wow I think I am hooked. What's another addiction between friends LOL
Here's some shots of the current work in progress, trying out some shimmer stuff and different techniques
Okay so we don't have a dining room where we are living, this is the front spare bedroom, and where our dining table resides. So it's where hubby makes his books he sells and where I play, if I am not cluttering up the lounge room LOL. Just ask Michael!! Sorry hun!
This is the top layer of my latest flower, I used some distress inks and some shimmer to give it this look, embossing powder around the edges of the petals, (where it is darker) and then put a fake gem in some transparent glue to highlight the centre, then shaped the petals how I like.
This is the bottom layer and it's the same shape as the top, only I pinched the petals after distressing it and adding some shimmer to it, this one is inked slightly around the edges of the petals.
Not glued together yet but this is what it will look like when it's all finished, what do you think,nice and shiny isn't it!!
Here is a photo of the shimmer on another flower I made and put in my latest digital CU Kit. doesn't it just sparkle so pretty!!?
Okay so this is the latest offerings in my store, I know I know I am not pumping out kits like I used to but I have a lot to do at the Studio behind the scenes and it doesn't always leave a lot of time for playing. Plus I am cleaning during the week.
This is my CU Vintage Paper Flowers set, yes like the ones I just showed you. They are 50% off till the 4th July then full price
As you can imagine they did take a while and some cost to create and then extract so they aren't as cheap as most of my kits but so worth it I think.
Thanks for reading my lengthy post and I hope to see you over at the Studio for some fun in the Chat Room, this Monday 4 or 8 pm est (USA time) For you Aussies that is Tuesday Morning :)
You never know what I may be giving away as a treat for coming along
Hugs and be safe
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Chinese Whispers chat tonight at 8pm est (USA)
This is what I am giving away this week to all attendees. If you want to come and chat and scrap with us you can log in at the Studio and then head to the chat room in about another half an hour from now to join in.
It's a lot of fun :)
In Other News...
My little green daewoo finally died and we had to get me a new car on the weekend. I picked it up yesterday and it's a dream so far.
We got a Nissan Tiida in gunmetal grey and it's quite a change having power steering and reverse sensors and lots of other gizmos in my car. I am taking a little while to get used to all the features and driving and parking it but I am sure it will all come the more I drive it :)
It did sap a lot of our savings though so Hubby will be working overtime to try and get us back up in our savings. Poor Sweetness!!
But he does have a super happy and grateful wife :)
Okay off to get ready for my chat
Have a great week all
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
I hope everyone else had a lovely Mother's Day too.
We had a great NSD at the Studio with a scrap-a-thon, I was up at 4am to take part and I managed to get a heap of layouts done, well for me it is a heap LOL.
2 pm chat with Piggyscraps
3pm chat with Amber of RubyLane Designs
4pm chat with Michelle of shelly Marie Scraps
5pm chat with ME
6pm chat with Jeanette of mITSYBELLE Designs
7pm chat with Janice of JWDigiscraps
And I love all the pages I made Yay!!
I have been playing around with my blog as you might have guessed. I downloaded a free wp layout after struggling to edit one I had bought. I am finding the free ones are more user friendly if you want to make it look more your own style with custom header and background. I guess you can't have everything, sigh.
Well that's me for now, not a lot of stuff to talk about of late, Michael has an interview with Tas Ambulance so crossing some fingers that we get a good result there, if not we will finally be able to make a move to settle properly in Sydney for good.
That's that for now, take care and Happy Scrapping
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Anzac Day 2010
It was a quiet day, Michael had worked the night before so slept most of it and in the evening we ended up not going out for dinner even, he looked just way too tired for an outing. So we had bacon, eggs and chips for dinner LOL. Not real romantic but quite yummy.
Happy Anniversary My Sweetness. Can't believe it's already been 6 years, where do the years go?
I made the Card I gave Michael with some pics from the ceremony on our big day
This is the Photoshop file
And Here is the created card
My photo was a bit dark as it is quite miserable here today so I had to lighten it, that's the only reason the color of the paper isn't quite right.
I may have to visit my friend "The Gamut warning tool" with the paper I used :)
It's ANZAC day here in Australia, this is our Memorial Day for those who have defended our country in Action. Most of you will know my father was an Army Warrant Officer and I am very proud of all he did while he was in the British and Australian Defence Forces.
As I do each year since I created this mini for the SAS Next SAS-y Lady Designer Competition, here is the remembrance kit I created. It's more Americana than Australian but I am sure a lot of American Scrappers could put it to good use :)
Here's a few pages I did with pics of my Dad using this kit, they are from a few years ago. When I made the kit
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
A New Kit - Eternal Love Collab with Mitsybelle Designs
With 60 elements and 18 papers you are sure to create some gorgeous pages, cards and hybrid items with this beauty. But it isn't limited to just Mother's Day items so you can use it all year round!
Eternal Love
available only at The Studio
Keep your eyes peeled for some freebies here on my blog and on Jeanette's Blog as well as in the Studio Newsletters and Jeanette's Newsletter which you can sign up for on her blog
If you are quick you can grab this kit for 25% off, one week only so by midnight next sunday it will be full price again.
Here's a page I did with it today for Carmen's Speed Scrap
And for good measure here's Jeanette's too :)
Here's a cluster frame for you all
Have a great day everyone :)