Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Latest News

Sorry for not blogging for a while. Just a lot's been going on. Firstly we have endured our 6th IVF Cycle. We managed to get a lot of eggs. 12. Out of that 12, seven fertilised and we thought yippee finally we'll have some to freeze. However when they checked them the day the freeze was to be done, none of the leftovers were 4 cells and they require them to reach 4 cells to freeze. So that was upsetting. But we did have a beautiful 4 cell and a 3 cell transferred and on the 15th if all goes well we will have our pregnancy test.
Other news is that M has applied to Tas for a job so hopefully that will go our way!!!
There is a new slideshow at the bottom of the blog with more new Scrapbook LO's if anyone is interested. I have done 30 in the last 2 months!!
Hope all of you are well and can't wait to see everyone when we are home in April.
Have a great Day!