Well I've been a busy girl. Here are some new LO's.
This is done with TerrellS Memory of a Garden Kit, what can I say I LOVE IT!!!!!

Demiurgia's Notre Dame Kit is the one I used for this LO for her CT. The photo is of Gaby and Gran up Mount Wellington!!

Olivia represented Queensland with her Gymnastics Team and here I have used TerrellS's Flights of Fancy to scrap the moments. A lot of the pics didn't turn out because of the bad light, but these ones I could rescue.
The LO of Bridie below is a photo from when we went to the Power House Museum with her and her Dad while they were up holidaying here.
Credits go to the following ladies at SSS.
lil explorer bonus byL. Christene
Pottslil explorer bonus bycmwhitesel
Scraplifted from pewtertm's LO, A Special Bouquet

Flights of Fancy, is so versatile, I love those Zippers and you can do so much with the elements and papers. Cool Kit and TerrellS You ROCK!!! Photos are all of Gaby in her pool!

Here's Bridie again, this one is of her in front of the fountain at the War Memorial Museum in Sydney. The Designer of this kit called "Daddy's Girl" is Charla Buchanan at Seasidescraps.com

And this is the same Kit used to scrap pics of Gaby and her Mum Mandy. Love this Kit too!!!

I even took a few hours off to go and get my hair cut and coloured. I didn't get home for 2 1/2 hours. But I am quite pleased with the results. When I get a photo I'm happy with I'll post it. Taking pics of yourself just doesn't work LOL!!!
Next, before I go, a BIG WELCOME HOME TO BEACHNUT999, from her holidays, glad to have you home hun!!!!!
Okay hope you are all having a good week and keeping safe.
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