My Poor Darling... you have to put up with so much from me I know, you are so gorgeous for tolerating me and my to-ing and fro-ing between here and Tassie, hopefully after Mum is settled things will settle down for us too!!God I wish we were back home, things would be so much easier and so many things would never have had to happen, sigh!!

Okay, enough self pity!!! On to some layouts. The first one I did with a new kit I made last night, I basically did the layout to make sure that it was all in working order so to speak!! I think I'm pretty happy with it!! I did two kits so getting somewhere LOL!!
The next one is with TerrellS' Alex's Asian Kit, fabulous colours in this asian feel kit but so versatile that you could scrap almost anything with it. The pic in this is when we went out for dinner in September before I headed home again. The four of us at the back of the pic went to Melbourne for 4 days on a girls weekend and had a ball!!
My Mum is in the bottom right corner and Alf and Bev are in the foreground. Christopher took the photo for us!!

This next one is My Dad (where the arrow is) it was taken in Singapore at Changi!! So it was the perfect thing to use Alex's Asian by TerrellS again for this very important photo of my Dad when he was only 19 and training to be an Argylle in the British Army, that was when he met my Mum, well not met her, they became penpals and then he met her when he returned home to Scotland.
Don't you love the hats they are wearing LOL!! My Dad was a real catch too, not bad at all, very easy on the eyes LOL!!
Okay well I am going to run off and see some TV before bed. Michael is working and so I'm on my lonesome, but it also means I get the whole bed to myself, LOL. I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves and eachother LOL!!
Tracy :)
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