Hello All,
Well Ambowife is still away, and I'm missing her. Only six days till her return though so I'll just have to tough it out.
A big Happy Birthday to our son (much featured on her layouts) Christopher - the grand ol' age of twenty. I sent him a text at 18 minutes past midnight this morning wishing him all the best but have not yet recieved a reply.
There's a lot going on in his life with his Gran (Ambowife's Mum) selling up and moving from Tasmania to Queensland, he has not found a place of his own to live and is currently staying with a mate until he does.
Ambowife and the Outlaw (ha ha ha, the motherinlaw) are at the northern end of Tassie at a town called Devonport waiting to get on the ferry that sails today and docks nine hours later in the capital of the most southern state (Victoria) of the Australian mainland, Melbourne. From there they will make a start on the great Mother and Daughter road trip to the north-east state of Queensland. I think it takes 12 hours to drive from Melbourne to Sydney and then another 12 to get to Brisbane in Queensland. I don't think that they will swing by here on the way, I might not let her go!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my mum will come to stay a few nights from Sunday, she paddles in Dragon Boats and of course the Chinese New Year Boat races are on up here in Sydney on Darling Harbour. Then a cousin of Ambowifes from England arrives for a backpacking holiday around Australia and we are going to be her base camp you might say.
During all this time I've been working like a dog doing as much overtime as I physically can on my days off and trying to get an early start on my next semester at University. With the news coming out of the US today, I'm glad that I do my uni study be correspondance.
Well that should be enough of news and my selfpity. Everyone have a 'fabtastic' day and 'she that should be obeyed' will be back in a week.
The photo is of the plantroom (carpark) at my work place.
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