Not the best pic of us because the lights down the side of the photo have ruined it but this is us at Michael's work's Christmas do!
I know I have been MIA again but what can I say... Life gets in the way!!

These are layouts of Melissa and Nick's wedding. Nick took a lot of pics at our wedding. This is Tracy's love Kit by TerrellS. It just goes so well with Melissa's dress!!
And here are some pics of Hayley's Japan trip she went on with her mum. This one is at Tokyo Disneyland and the kit is by Shannon Fahrnbach, November Grab Bag.
Okay this is jut Michael after we returned from a bike ride. Just a half hour one as it started to really pour and it is so much harder to ride when you are drenched oh and when your brake is stuck in the on position LOL, that was me anyway. This is TerrellS Kit Autumn Freebie and the matts are from her corrugated set.
Okay well that's it from me, I am off to bed now, sigh, so tired lately, and no it's not a sign LOL.
Have a great day!!
Okay do you want to see the new Kit by TerrellS??? Come on I know you're just busting to see it!!!
Okay so It is called Twilight Dance and here is a preview of it in all it's glory!! Keep an eye out on TerrellS blog as she has been putting up some freebie QP's and you may find some of these there!!!
And just to wet your appetite so you can see what the paper's and elements are like here are a few Layouts with the kit!!
Me and Jo at Fifteen Melbourne, the Jamie Oliver Show's Restaurant, fabulous food!!